Prefix notation is a non-conventional notation for writing arithmetic expressions. The standard
way of writing arithmetic expressions, also known as infix notation, positions a binary operator
between the operands, e.g., 3 + 4, while in prefix notation the operator is positioned before the
operands, e.g., +3 4. Similarly, the prefix notation for 5 − 2 is −5 2. A nice property of prefix
expressions with binary operators is that parentheses are not required since there is no ambiguity
about the order of operations. For example, the prefix representation of 5 − (4 − 2) is −5 − 4 2,
while the prefix representation of (5 − 4) − 2 is − − 5 4 2. The prefix notation is also known as
Polish notation, due to Jan Łukasiewicz, a Polish logician, who invented it around 1920.
Similarly, in postfix notation, orreverse Polish notation, the operator is positioned after the operands.
For example, postfix representation of the infix expression (5 − 4) − 2 is 5 4 − 2−.
Your task is to write a program that translates a prefix arithmetic expression into a postfix arithmetic
Each line contains an arithmetic prefix expression. The operators are + and -, and numbers are all
single-digit decimal numbers. The operators and numbers are separated by exactly one space with
no leading spaces on the line. The end of input is marked by 0 on a single line. You can assume
that each input line contains a valid prefix expression with less than 20 operators.
Translate each expression into postfix notation and produce it on a separate line. The numbers and
operators are separated by at least one space. The final 0 is not translated.