Petya and Gena play a very interesting game "Put a Knight!" on a chessboard n×n in size. In this game they take turns to put chess pieces called "knights" on the board so that no two knights could threat each other. A knight located in square (r,c) can threat squares (r-1,c+2), (r-1,c-2), (r+1,c+2), (r+1,c-2), (r-2,c+1), (r-2,c-1), (r+2,c+1) and (r+2,c-1) (some of the squares may be located outside the chessboard). The player who can't put a new knight during his move loses. Determine which player wins considering that both players play optimally well and Petya starts.
The first line contains integer T (1≤T≤100) − the number of boards, for which you should determine the winning player. Next T lines contain T integers ni (1≤ni≤10000) − the sizes of the chessboards.
For each ni×ni board print on a single line "0" if Petya wins considering both players play optimally well. Otherwise, print "1".