Manao is solving a problem with the following statement:
He came up with a solution that produces the correct answers but is too slow. You are given the pseudocode of his solution, where the function getAnswer calculates the answer to the problem:
getAnswer(a[1..n], b[1..len], h)
answer = 0
for i = 1 to n-len+1
answer = answer + f(a[i..i+len-1], b, h, 1)
return answer
f(s[1..len], b[1..len], h, index)
if index = len+1 then
return 1
for i = 1 to len
if s[index] + b[i] >= h
mem = b[i]
b[i] = 0
res = f(s, b, h, index + 1)
b[i] = mem
if res > 0
return 1
return 0
Your task is to help Manao optimize his algorithm.
The first line contains space-separated integers n, len and h (1≤len≤n≤150000;1≤h≤109). The second line contains len space-separated integers b1,b2,...,blen (1≤bi≤109). The third line contains n space-separated integers a1,a2,...,an (1≤ai≤109).
Print a single number − the answer to Manao's problem.
5 2 10
5 3
1 8 5 5 7