You are given an alphabet consisting of n letters, your task is to make a string of the maximum possible length so that the following conditions are satisfied:
The first line of the input contains a single integer n (2≤n≤26)− the number of letters in the alphabet.
The next line contains n integers ai (1≤ai≤109)− i-th of these integers gives the limitation on the number of occurrences of the i-th character in the string.
Print a single integer − the maximum length of the string that meets all the requirements.
2 5 5
1 1 2
For convenience let's consider an alphabet consisting of three letters: "a", "b", "c". In the first sample, some of the optimal strings are: "cccaabbccbb", "aabcbcbcbcb". In the second sample some of the optimal strings are: "acc", "cbc".