Problem W: CCC16J2 MagicSquares

Problem W: CCC16J2 MagicSquares

Time Limit: 2000 Sec  Memory Limit: 1 MB
Submit: 16  Solved: 9
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Magic Squares are square arrays of numbers that have the interesting property that the numbers in each column, 
and in each row, all add up to the same total. 
Given a 4×4 square of numbers, determine if it is magic square.


The input consists of four lines, 
each line having 4 space-separated integers.


Output either magic if the input is a magic square,
 or not magic if the input is not a magic square.

Sample Input Copy

16 3 2 13 
5 10 11 8 
9 6 7 12 
4 15 14 1

Sample Output Copy
