Each player in a tournament plays six games. There are no ties. The tournament director places the players in groups based on the results of games as follows:
• if a player wins 5 or 6 games, they are placed in Group 1;
• if a player wins 3 or 4 games, they are placed in Group 2;
• if a player wins 1 or 2 games, they are placed in Group 3;
• if a player does not win any games, they are eliminated from the tournament.
Write a program to determine which group a player is placed in.
The input consists of six lines, each with one of two possible letters: W (to indicate a win) or L (to indicate a loss).
The output will be either 1, 2, 3 (to indicate which Group the player should be placed in) or -1 (to indicate the player has been eliminated).
注意:答案错误的同学 要去掉输入后面的\n换行符