You decide to go for a very long drive on a very straight road. Along this road are five cities.
As you travel, you record the distance between each pair of consecutive cities.
You would like to calculate a distance table that indicates the distance between any two of the cities you have encountered.
The first line contains 4 positive integers less than 1000,
each representing the distances between consecutive pairs of consecutive cities: specifically,
the iith integer represents the distance between city i and city i+1.
The output should be 5 lines, with the ith line (1 ≤ i ≤ 5) containing the distance from city i to
cities 1, 2, ... 5 in order, separated by one space.
0 3 13 25 30
3 0 10 22 27
13 10 0 12 17
25 22 12 0 5
30 27 17 5 0
The first line of output contains:
• 0, since the distance from city 1 to city 1 is 0;
• 3, since the distance between city 1 and city 2 is 3;
• 13, since the distance between city 1 and city 3 is 3 + 10 = 13;
• 25, since the distance between city 1 and city 4 is 3 + 10 + 12 = 25;
• 30, since the distance between city 1 and city 5 is 3 + 10 + 12 + 5 = 30.